playing football and basketba

football player

playing football and basketba_football player

sport is playing football and basketball. 瀵瑰悧 —— 对: natalie1217 和 xiaoyi4314 错:favourite sport is "playing" football/basketball. ("playing"加在里面就错)这跟口语不口语没有关系,跟文法的好坏倒有关系。”football" 或 “basketball" is a sport."playing football" 或 ”playing basketball" is not a sport.好像“apple" is a fruit

Playing football and basketball ( ) interesting. 杩欓噷璇ュ~is杩樻槸are —— 应该用is 如果是PLAY XXX AND PLAY XXX 就是 ARE INTERESTING

playing football and basketball —— playing() is interesting 主语是playing 动名词做主语 单数

i like playing football and basketball瀵硅繕鏄痠 like playing footba —— 都可以 第二种强调playing的动作

basketball对还是i play football and basketball对? —— 答案:【I play football and basketball.】才对 【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

我的爱好是打篮球,踢足球,和听歌,用英文怎么写? —— 绛旓細My hobby is to play basketball, play football and listen to music

帮忙翻译些句子谢谢!!急啊明天用 —— 绛旓細4.We are very satisfied with the lunch supplied by the school and you can have a try certainly.5.A number of people have their own interests ,such as playing instruments,playing football and basketball and cooking.6.We bring some snack foods made by ourselves and you can have

What ball Games can you play?鐨勪綔鏂 —— 绛旓細I can play basketball.When I was a little boy ,I was higher than any other friends.Myers father said I would became a basketball player.Hearing that I was very interested in playing basketball.When I grew up, l became member of our school team. our team won many prizes and

看图说话有蓝球有足球还用小女孩跳绳怎么写一段英语话? —— 绛旓細some children are playing football and basketball, there is a girl jumping in the rope.

鑻辫浣滄枃 say something about yourself —— 绛旓細I am a tall and thin boy with short black hair. Like many boys, I like playing football and basketball very much. I think playing sports is one of the best ways of helping us stay in good health. These days I often watch the World Cup on TV in the evening and it is